My favorite graphics over the years

Graphic Design Projects

Shadowhouse Music Collective

Way back in 2012, a few college students gave me $100 for a website (which I coded in notepad++ (!?!?)) and gave me full license to craft the art direction, which became my very first project.

It was music, it was fun and a challenge to keep a consistent theme going. I got great reviews and it gave me all the confidence to keep going. I’ll never forget this project.

I loved chips & I needed a project, so I found a way to make it happen.

I ran a chips Tumblr (?!?!) in 2013 when I had wayyyy too much time on my hands and a really nice DSLR. I always try to combine my interests together especially if it is a near-daily occurrence and this is what you get:

Charity Nfts

At the height of all the crypto-hype, a friend of a friend approached me to design some graphics-turned NFTs that bring attention to some of the largest refugee camps around the world, giving the proceeds to the UN refugee relief efforts.

This is the kind of work I wish I could do all the time and I’ll always lend my services to social good causes.

“I’m lucky that design makes me happy and gave me a livelihood. These graphics remind me of falling in love with ideas.”

— Me trying to figure it out one step at a time.